Global Health Alliance Our Less Screen, More Green - Mindful Tech Plan™ brings balance and nurtures physical and mental wellbeing for youth and all ages in this digital age.
In 2006 the Children & Nature Network was founded by a group of educators, writers and community leaders who share a deep concern about children's disconnection from nature.Richard Louv is co-founder and chair emeritus.
“Our Vision: A world in which all children play, learn and grow with nature in their everyday lives. Nature has the power to make children healthier, happier and smarter. But over the last few generations, childhood has moved indoors, leaving kids disconnected from the natural world. This worldwide trend has profound implications for children’s healthy development—and the future of our planet.
Our Mission: We are leading a global movement to increase equitable access to nature so that children – and natural places –can thrive. We do this by investing in leadership and communities
through sharing evidence-based resources, scaling innovative solutions and driving policy change.”
Information on their annual Summit conference and global initiatives is
The Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) is a global conservation organization that advances the ground breaking work of Dr. Goodall. The mission is to understand and protect chimpanzees, other apes and their habitats, and to work towards creating an informed and compassionate multitude who will help to create a better world for people, other animals.
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